Today, as I’ve spent the last week and a half frantically looking for freelance writing jobs in light of a recent decision to move in with my boyfriend, I’ve decided to break from the norm and mention three blogs that pay for guest posts. Most of the blogs I’ve found that pay for guest posts are in the computer programming/website design/gadgetry fields. Here are three that aren’t:
Make a Living Writing pays $50 per guest post and is looking for posts about writing.
Read Learn Write also pays $50/post and is looking for blogs on the topics of reading, writing and learning.
Writers’ Weekly pays $60/post. When writing a blog post, think ‘is this blog post going to help writers make money’? If the answer is yes, odds are that they want it.
Hopefully this post will help you think up some new ways to make money with your writing. I know I’ll be sending posts out to these sites when I’ve got good ideas for them.
If you know of any other blogs that pay for guest posts, please let me know so I can feature them next time.
[…] Nearly everybody has a blog these days, but it’s easy to tell the talent from the rest of the pack. You can make one in five minutes and update a few times a week. Not very profitable in most cases, but a great way to get used to the idea of others reading your work. Once you’ve established yourself as a solid blogger, you can start getting paid surprising amounts of money to blog for others. […]
Very true and thanks for taking the time to comment and mention me on your blog.