Welcome to October First!

Novels, Workshops, Writing, Writing: The Process
Well, folks, it's October first, that time of year again. What's so special about October first here at Fictional Worlds? Well, it's time to officially begin preparing for Nanowrimo, and it's time to start this year's Nano Prep writing workshop. For those of you who aren't participating in Nanowrimo, it's still a great way to start building a novel, and I hope you'll stick around. For this year's workshop you need to already have a basic idea for your book-an idea of what kind of world you're working in, an idea of who your characters are, and a vague idea of your plot-but when I say basic, I really mean basic. While last year's workshop was designed more for the epic fantasy novel, this workshop is meant for books focused…
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When to Revise a Novel

Editing: The Hard Part, Novels
Everybody knows-at least, I hope everybody here knows-that all books need revision. Great books aren't written exactly, they're rewritten, and that's a crucial thing to remember as a writer, no matter who you are and how good you think your first draft is. Sure, there might be sentences, paragraphs, maybe if you're lucky entire scenes that will go from draft to draft untouched, but overall, your novel will need revision. There are at least a thousand questions that can be asked about revision, and not one of them can be answered the same way for every person except maybe 'do I need to revise'. Like anything else in writing, it's complicated and there are as many answers as there are writers. The question I would like to discuss today is…
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What Counts As Writing Time?

Novels, Short Fiction
When creating and following a writing schedule, you must also decide what to include in your writing time. This will vary greatly depending on the kinds of writing that you do. For a writer of non-fiction or even historical novels, research is so essential to writing that it takes up writing time. For a high fantasy writer, worldbuilding is essential so it takes up writing time. For a blogger, sometimes even things like email are part of 'writing time'. I have two different kinds of writing time: fiction writing time and blogging time. My fiction writing time is divided into worldbuilding, plot building, editing, and writing various short stories and novels. Blogging time is divided into writing posts, responding to comments, preparing workshops, and brainstorming. I've also started setting aside…
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Renewing Your Commitment To Writing

Novels, Short Fiction
Every writer has times-days, weeks, sometimes even months or at worst years-where they fall far short of their writing goals. Every writer gets caught up in something called life once in a while and time passes them by. And I'm sure every writer has at least once looked at a clock and gone 'it's that time already? I have to leave now and I didn't get any writing done'. Personally, I've spent most of the last month not writing. I've written quite a bit of poetry-almost half a book of poetry, actually-but very few blog posts and even fewer novel chapters. I looked at a calendar just the other day and went 'where did July go?' So what does a writer do in such times? Renew their commitment to writing,…
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