Renewing Your Commitment to Reading

Reading Related, Uncategorized
Over the last two weeks I've talked about renewing your commitment to writing and what counts as writing time. But-as a wise commentor pointed out last week-reading is just as important to your future as a writer as writing is. The fact is, one in four people doesn't read any books at all. As a writer, you can't afford to be one of those people, regardless of how busy you are. Just like you need to make time to write, you need to make time to read. For me reading is a lot more flexible-I can't write much by hand and even if I had a laptop it would only travel so far-so it's a lot easier to commit to than writing is. That said, a lot of times I…
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Renewing the Self

Reading Related
I'm sure you're all aware that I live in a city, a 'great urban center' known as Toronto, Ontario. I do love my city dearly, but I tire of it after a while. I get tired of the daily rush, of the TTC, of the people all around me. I get tired of the big buildings and the poisoned lake. I get tired of the drama, and I get tired of the drunks and drug addicts covering the streets with their trouble. We all get tired of our daily lives from time to time. We fall into ruts, we let life carry us away, and sometimes the stress builds until we're sick not just in mind but in body as well. And we never slow down to help ourselves, to…
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Interview: Lea Schizas

Author Interviews, Reading Related
Lea Schizas has been in the writing world for over twelve years. She's edited for several publishing houses, founded The Muse Online Writer's Conference and the MuseItUp Publishing epublisher. She also founded Apollo's Lyre. Best thing about her in my opinion? She's Canadian too, and she agreed to let me interview her for Fictional Worlds. Thanks for agreeing to do this interview. ~When and why did you decide to become a writer? I really didn’t decide. I remember being in mom’s womb and writing with this cool implement on organs that were soft and mushy. Okay...not really...but I’ve always loved to write as far back as I can possibly remember. Entertaining readers with words, giving them an opportunity to laugh, cry, connect with my characters is a thrill that nothing…
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