Prompt and Questions

Novels, Prompts, Short Fiction, Workshops, Writing
First, since the prompt is likely to take you away from this blog, let's tackle today's questions. Today's questions will be about religion, which is crucial to understanding the whole culture that your characters live in. Religion is of varying importance to varying cultures throughout the world and throughout history. Your world might be predominantly non-religious, but it might be like ours a couple hundred years ago, almost entirely ruled by religion. 1. Does religion influence education? How so? Religion, especially if there is a state religion, almost always influences how people are educated in any given country. The effects could be as simple as a bias in teaching or as complex as the temple itself providing education. Your church could be in charge of your schools. In the Kingdom…
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Prompt of the Week: Hold Me Like You Love Me

Prompts, Short Fiction
Hold Me Like you Love Me Just for a moment hold me like you love me like nothing can go wrong like nothing ever did and please, darling, kiss me one last time like I'm your girl like I never left. And maybe through the tears we can try again? Not today nor tomorrow but someday... I'd love to be yours but I'm not ready now. I'm sorry... if you want just for a moment I can hold you like I love you. Your turn. Let's try something new! Post the first 75 words of your response to this exercise in a comment.
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