Language 101

Novels, Prompts, Workshops, Writing
Today we're going to talk a bit about language. Unless you're writing a book that takes place here on Earth in either modern or historical times, odds are your characters won't be speaking English. You probably won't want to create an entire language for your kingdom, but an idea of how their language works and a few words might be helpful. As a start, briefly study some languages other than English. Look into grammar rules such as word order and punctuation. As one example take a look at some information on Irish Gaelic, one of the most interesting-and most ancient-human languages. I'll throw out a link for some Japanese Grammar too while we're at it. Making Stuff Up This isn't a language making course, though one (or a dozen) could…
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Prompt and Questions

Novels, Prompts, Short Fiction, Workshops, Writing
First, since the prompt is likely to take you away from this blog, let's tackle today's questions. Today's questions will be about religion, which is crucial to understanding the whole culture that your characters live in. Religion is of varying importance to varying cultures throughout the world and throughout history. Your world might be predominantly non-religious, but it might be like ours a couple hundred years ago, almost entirely ruled by religion. 1. Does religion influence education? How so? Religion, especially if there is a state religion, almost always influences how people are educated in any given country. The effects could be as simple as a bias in teaching or as complex as the temple itself providing education. Your church could be in charge of your schools. In the Kingdom…
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Culture 101

Workshops, Writing
Today's exercise is designed to help you give the culture you're working on depth and realism. There are many different levels of culture building, things like language, religion, history, law, and social custom. Today's post is divided into sections: reading recommendations, religion, and law. Reading Recommendations Before you start this exercise, if you have a spare half hour, check out these rants by limyaael: ~Language Rant 1 ~Religion Rant 1 ~Medieval Societies Religion You probably already have a vague idea or two of your kingdom's religion(s), but today we're going to make up a fact sheet and establish some basic information about it. If there are multiple very separate religions, create a fact sheet for each. If there are sects, don't bother; we'll deal with sects on a later day.…
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Welcome to October First!

Novels, Workshops, Writing, Writing: The Process
Well, folks, it's October first, that time of year again. What's so special about October first here at Fictional Worlds? Well, it's time to officially begin preparing for Nanowrimo, and it's time to start this year's Nano Prep writing workshop. For those of you who aren't participating in Nanowrimo, it's still a great way to start building a novel, and I hope you'll stick around. For this year's workshop you need to already have a basic idea for your book-an idea of what kind of world you're working in, an idea of who your characters are, and a vague idea of your plot-but when I say basic, I really mean basic. While last year's workshop was designed more for the epic fantasy novel, this workshop is meant for books focused…
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