Creating an Online Writing Community

Writing, Writing communities
There are dozens of online writing communities, but you want the perfect fit. Maybe you've tried several with no luck, or maybe you're confident that you can create the perfect community. Maybe you simply want to give it a shot. Whatever the reason, you've decided it's time to create a writing group all your own, and you've chosen to create it online. I've tried this myself a few times with varying levels of success. The advice I've gathered here is by no means the be all and end all of creating an online writing community, simply advice to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Making a few key decisions right away will help you narrow your search for further guidance. Choosing a Structure There are a few ways…
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Creating a local writing group

Writing, Writing communities
We've talked a lot in the last few weeks about the different kinds of writing groups and how to find the right one. If you've been following through, you've done a fair bit of poking around. You're familiar with what's out there. If you haven't found a group that looks particularly appealing, maybe it's time to start your own. I've broken down the process of creating a writing group in the hopes of making it a little less overwhelming. Of course, creating and maintaining a dedicated group of any kind is difficult with all the distractions people face on a daily basis. This advice is geared towards creating local groups that meet in person, but much of it is useful for creating online groups too. Ready to get started? Here…
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Finding the right writing community

Writing, Writing communities
Once upon a time, if you wanted to find a writing group, your options were extremely limited. You could spend a lifetime looking for the right one. Depending on where you lived, you might never find one at all. All that's changed with the rise of the internet. Now there are almost as many writing groups as there are writers, and it's easier than ever before to connect with other writers, whether they're in your town or halfway around the world. The challenge has changed from finding a writing group to finding the right one. It you need some guidance, follow these seven steps to find the perfect writing group for you: 1. Assess what you need-- take a look at this post describing the various types of writing groups…
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What different writing groups can do for you

Increasing productivity, Writing, Writing communities
As anyone who's participated in Nanowrimo knows, being part of a writing community is invigorating. Most participants wouldn't win without the community standing behind them. I certainly wouldn't have accomplished 300K in a month without the vibrant Nanowrimo community. Unfortunately, ML's don't run events all year round and the forums slow down immensely a week into December, leaving you to create or find your own writing community. If you know other writers, you can ask around for suggestions about what already exists and what they might like to see created. Today I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of different forms of writing groups, and next week I'll talk about how to find the right one for you. It might turn out that you need to create your…
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