Starting Different Projects

My writing has hit a low point over the last couple of weeks. It would seem that it took a blow after I finished Moonshadow’s Guardian. The story had me completely entranced, and I’m already eager to begin the first rewrite. Currently I am playing the waiting game-with plenty of school work to distract me in the meantime-because I know that you should never start editing right away. However, rewrites are going to begin sooner than I originally planned; I need to rewrite this story, to make some very specific changes to it, to get it out of my system.

Some Secrets Should Never Be Known, as much as I love the story, will have to take the backburner for now. I know that I cannot currently give it the attention and time that it deserves. When, as a writer, you are told that you must write every day and move quickly from one project to the next, this kind of thing can be hard to admit-even to yourself. But it’s important to remember that every writer is different, every writer’s needs and strengths are different; there’s no one way to go about becoming an author.

Keeping this in mind I’m not going to yell at myself for not accomplishing much on the writing front this week; instead I’m going to do some research-reading a new book I bought about castles-and then jump right into the rewrite of Moonshadow’s Guardian.

Fiction isn’t the only thing that’s been hard for me in the last couple of weeks; the blog posts which were plentiful in my head at the beginning of the year seem to have dried up. I know I want to start a new series of blog posts for Friday mornings, but I have no idea what to focus on or where to begin. Sometimes writing really is like pulling nails, both on the fiction front and on the non-fiction front. Sometimes it means you have to push harder; other times it means you have to take a break.

As a blogger I have one advantage that lots of other writers don’t; I can ask you guys what I should write about next. This is my first poll and it will be up for a week. Come back next week to find out the results-and to see my shiny new series of posts.

2 thoughts on “Starting Different Projects

  • RedParrot


    I cannot resist a poll. : )

    I, too, have been behind in writing. My schedule has been thrown completely off kilter and – without the security of some regular rhythms – I find it hard to … well … settle my mind and write. I find the transition into writing a struggle.

    I’ve been working on my work blog, drawing every day (still! and on day 70). Regular running sessions have been dropped to 2 (instead of 3) and I have the terror of a big race at the end of this month. Even then – I feel out of sorts and not motivated. LIke someone has pulled the plug on my writing mind.

    I’m gearing up for ScriptFrenzy Apr 1 – 30 … it’s always great fun … have a bunch of ideas and I resist writing too much for fear of drying out. Which – even as I write it – is a lame excuse.

    But there we are …

    Hope life is treating you well and the approaching spring is a harbinger of good things.


  • RP,

    It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one behind. I spend a lot of time away from home, and I don’t manage to spend enough of that time writing. I’m currently working on turning my boyfriend’s space into a writer friendly space-because I do want to see more of him, but I can’t keep neglecting my books and missing blog posts for his sake.

    I’m going to be printing out Moonshadow’s Guardian today to read while my boyfriend’s at work tomorrow. I’m not particularly inspired but I do know where I want to go next with my rewrites and so it’ll be fairly simple. Hopefully once it’s rewritten my urge to work on SSNK will return.

    Good luck with Script Frenzy. I might do my own April challenge, I haven’t thought about that yet…


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