Author Spotlight: Susan Gourley

Author Interviews
The authors featured on my blog range from debut authors still anxiously waiting for their release date to multi-published authors who can actually call writing their full time job. Today's guest, Susan Gourley, is one of the latter. I'm  thrilled to have Susan here today to share her story and some tidbits of wisdom that can only be gleaned by having achieved some recognition in the writing world. Please give Susan a warm welcome. 1. Can you tell us a bit about your upcoming release, Keepers of Sulbreth? My latest science fiction romance novel, The Warriror and the Governor, is the second book in the Gaviron Warriors series. The planet of Gaviron was destroyed by the intelligent, arachnid-like invaders that are sweeping across the galaxy and decimating planets like a…
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Author Spotlight: LV Barat

Author Interviews
Today's author is a debut novelist whose first epic fantasy novel, Eye of the Hawk, will be released tomorrow by Musa Publishing. She's a lovely lady whose novel I simply cannot wait to read. Please give LV Barat a warm welcome. 1. Can you tell us a bit about your book, Eye of the Hawk? An island exists in the far north surrounded by an astral golden band, inhabited by Jaanaarians, a people descended from gods who possess unrivaled magical talent. They cannot leave the island because some of their people became corrupted, bidding themselves out to the highest bidder of the royal houses of Perthia. A shapeshifter named Hawk is sent on a mission that is given to him in coded verses by a Jaanaarian druid. He must discover the…
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