The first page of my novel — Care to critique?

Editing: The Hard Part, Novels
I was having a hard time coming up with a blog post for today, then I remembered that I haven't posted any of my personal fiction or poetry here in a long time. I debated sharing some of the background work I've done for the novel I'm editing right now, Moonshadow's Guardian--I've actually shared some of the work done on my main character--but then I had a brilliant thought: Every writer needs critique, preferably from writers with varying skills and experience. And my readers happen to be writers, all with different skills and experience levels. So today I'd like to ask you, my loyal readers, to critique the first page of the YA fantasy novel I'm editing right now in the comments below. If you want, I'll even critique the…
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Musa Author Interview: Stephanie Campbell

Today I am very pleased to introduce Stephanie Campbell, author of Dragon Night. I am currently reading Dragon Night, published by Urania, Musa's speculative fiction imprint, on the Kindle I got for Christmas. I'm more than halfway through the book and I've enjoyed every step along the way. It's a great honour to have her here today. 1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your book, Dragon Night? I'm twenty-one years old and have been writing since I was twelve. People in the publishing world often tell me that I'm "still a baby." I have heard that phrase used on me quite often. I'm a go-getter, at least when it comes to the things that I want and love, so I don't let my age or anything…
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