Yoga For Writers

Self care for writers
When you spend all day at a desk--whether it's for a day job or to further your writing career--and your evenings in front of a TV or computer it's easy to neglect your physical health. When you're on a roll and the words are flowing like water it's easy to stay perched at your computer for entire days--or nights--without moving except to refill your drink or use the washroom. Yet protecting our health is one of the most important things we can do as writers. A little bit of sleep deprivation might not make a huge impact, but eventually those late nights will take a toll on you. Failing to take care of yourself can also lead to Repetitive Strain Injury(RSI) or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, making it difficult or even…
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Trying to be Healthier

My boyfriend, apart from being a wonderful guy, happens to be a mover. Sometimes his clients are also trying to get rid of things, because they won't fit or for whatever other reasons. One day somebody wanted to get rid of a huge box of books. My boyfriend wanted a couple of them, but he was told if he was going to take any of them, he had to take all of them. Imagine my excitement-like a kid in a candy store--when he came home with this big box of books. There were only a couple of titles that grabbed me on my first look through, but now that I've finished those, I've realized that quite a lot of them interest me. What does this have to do with getting…
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Making A Commitment to Yourself

Writing, Writing: The Process
Over the last few weeks I've talked a lot about creating-and meeting-your writing goals. I've made it clear that 2011 is going to be a year of Discipline in my writing. But it's important to remember that while writing is certainly a part of me and always will be, there are other aspects of life where I need to put in effort and set goals. Taking care of me is the most important factor here, and I must remember that taking care of me doesn't just mean focusing on my writing. So what else do I need to focus on to take care of me? Well, it's a pretty basic list: School This one is the obvious one and, depending on your standpoint, it is the most important thing for…
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