Author Interview: Judith C. Owens-Lalude

Author Interviews, Reading Related
Today's interview is with Judith Camille, author of The Long Walk: Slavery to Freedom. Enjoy. 1. Can you tell us a bit about your book, The Long Walk: Slavery to Freedom? My book is about Clarissa and her son, George Henry who suffer the indignities of bondage––bought, sold, resold, and abused. Although scarred emotionally and physically, Clarissa refuses to accept enslavement. As Clarissa struggles against time, lessons from her grandmother fuel her compulsion to be free. On the trail, Clarissa and her son are rescued by the Underground Railroad passengers. Taking the long walk to freedom, they follow the North Star. 2. When did you first realize you wanted to pursue writing as more than a hobby? I knew that I wanted to write for children when my sons left…
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