Why I Outline Last

Every writer builds the foundation for their novel differently, and most of us do it a little differently every time we attempt to write a novel. Some writers start with an almost fully formed plot and write their outline while still trying to figure out the characters' histories and the setting's climate. Others start with characters who won't leave them alone. A select few start with an interesting world. Every one of my novels starts differently, but I almost always outline last. Some years I've barely outlined at all before Nanowrimo got started. Why do I outline last? The first reason is because I consider outlines to be loose guides rather than something I'm going to follow to the letter. I expect my novels to grow and change as I write them,…
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Plot in Early Planning

Inspirational, Novels, Writing
Now that we've talked about setting and character, it's time to talk about plot. Plot is the conflict and its resolution, the story itself, which is built upon the building blocks of setting and character. Today we're going to talk about the things you should establish before you write your outline. Today you're going to create a fact sheet in relation to your story. The first thing you need to put on this sheet of paper is the location in which your story takes place. Next, write down each of the characters' names and their roles in the story. Leave some room here-you're probably going to run into more characters along the way, and it makes it easier if this list stays up to date. Finally,write down the main conflict…
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