Fiction Prompt January 20th

Prompts, Short Fiction
While I am hoping to use several of these prompts to create standalone flash fiction, writing responses to these prompts from the PoV of one of my novel characters is a really good way to build character. Today I've got not only a prompt for you, but a small response to it that I wrote from the PoV (point of view, for those of you who don't know) of Riana, the main character in Moonshadow's Guardian. Today's prompt: Guilt My response: It's been thousands of years since I protected Eternia, but I will never forgive myself for failing her. She was just a little girl the first time we met. I remember her cute smile, her little head all covered in long black hair like a curtain. I remember her…
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It’s Prompt Time

Inspirational, Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
As promised, today I have a prompt for you that will hopefully inspire you to write some awesome short fiction. I won't be doing this one today because I'm really focused on finishing my novel right now, but it's on my list to write next year. So, here goes: The day I died Take that however you want, make it into whatever you want, and please share with me what angle you've taken on this prompt.
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Prompt of the Week

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Today's Prompt is: Bitter Childhood Memories My response to today's prompt will be written from Riana's point of view. Riana is the main character of the novella-which might grow into barely a novel territory-Moonshadow's Guardian. I have just begun to rewrite Moonshadow's Guardian. I'm moving slowly still because I've got some work left to do, but I should have the new first chapter (not all the chapters are changing drastically; the first one, however, is) finished in the next day or two. I'm excited to be back to work on this project. Riana I spent the first fourteen years of my life with my mother, a human woman named Elaine. She was a pretty woman, though she never lost much of the weight of childbirth. We lived in a one…
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Apologies and a Final Note

Prompts, Workshops
On Sunday night, in a park just a couple blocks away from my house, my boyfriend and I (and a friend of ours) were robbed at gunpoint. I spent a couple days away from the computer and I've been too tired to do much other than go to school. The workshop is over not by choice but by necessity-it's the end of the month, time to put the finishing touches on your preparations. There isn't a specific exercise today, but it's probably a good idea to do a general brainstorm for your story, maybe write down a couple of things you're sure you want to happen. Stay tuned for a 'Why Everybody Should Try Nanowrimo' post and a 'October 31st: Preparing for Nano' post tomorrow and Sunday. And get ready…
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Prompt of the Day

Prompts, Workshops
I'll admit that I'm creatively rather burnt out at this point, and I guess you probably are too. Today I've just got a prompt for you. Write a scene in which two of your most important characters learn something shocking to them. 1, 000 words.
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Prompts, Workshops
I don't have any questions today, most of my effort right now is going into tomorrow's exercise. I do have a prompt for you though: Write about the first time your character experienced violence from another person/saw violence taken out on somebody close to them. Try to make this scene 1, 000 words. It can be ANY character of your choosing.
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Prompt of the Day

Prompts, Workshops, Writing
Tomorrow we're going to do an exercise on Mythology. Mythology is one of my favourite aspects of worldbuilding, and I could write an entire workshop about creating mythology. I'm excited to get started on the subject. Today's prompt is completely unrelated though. If you have any questions about mythology, now is the time to ask them. Write 750-1000 words from your villain's PoV about loss.
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Happy Thanksgiving! (And Prompt)

I'm not posting an exercise today because it's Thanksgiving here in Canada. I'm also starting the Muse Online Writer's conference today. I do, however, have a prompt for you today. Today's exercise will be posted tomorrow and will be about creating a calendar. Write 750 words about Thanksgiving.
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Prompt of the Week: Hold Me Like You Love Me

Prompts, Short Fiction
Hold Me Like you Love Me Just for a moment hold me like you love me like nothing can go wrong like nothing ever did and please, darling, kiss me one last time like I'm your girl like I never left. And maybe through the tears we can try again? Not today nor tomorrow but someday... I'd love to be yours but I'm not ready now. I'm sorry... if you want just for a moment I can hold you like I love you. Your turn. Let's try something new! Post the first 75 words of your response to this exercise in a comment.
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