Tactics for when you’re stuck on rewrites

Editing, Goal setting, Writing
I've spent a long time in rewrites--first working on Moonshadow's Guardian, then the second draft of my 2011 Nanovel--and the last two weeks have been the most unpleasant of all. Each day I wrote a page, maybe less, of the actual novel and spent hours entranced in other writing. Avoiding the novel itself. Late last week I hunkered down, figured out the issue causing my avoidance and worked through it. Now I'm back to work on my novel, confident I won't stall again. When you've been working on the same project for a long time it can be difficult to continue. You start to lose your enthusiasm and writing becomes like walking on hot coals. Every scene seems an insurmountable challenge. The book itself becomes a monster you avoid like…
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Novels, Writing, Writing: The Process
I'd like to announce that this Tuesday I finished the complete rewrite of my 2006 Nanovel, Moonshadow's Guardian. This project has been through several rewrites and the story has changed drastically over the years. That said, this rewrite was more about splitting up the book into two novellas. The first half, which has kept the name of Moonshadow's Guardian, is about a demon named Riana who is summoned to protect the kingdom of Moonshadow. A plague has struck the kingdom-a strange plague which they believe to be caused by Telars, mages gifted with telepathy. Riana's job is to find out who is causing the plague and to bring an end to it before it kills the heir to Moonshadow's throne. She has two constant companions-a dragon named Rolf, and the…
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