Author Interview Lydia Nyx

Author Interviews, Novels, Reading Related
Today I'm excited to feature Lydia Nyx, author of the White City series by Torquere Books. Lydia writes male-male romance of varying heat levels, but really, I should let her introduce herself and her work. 1. Can you tell us a bit about your White City series? The series at present time is meant to be a trilogy, though we'll see how that works out. If it does go beyond a trilogy, the setting will probably shift somewhere else and I'll be addressing some of the core issues of the main character. Goodness knows he's got enough baggage to explore. I tried to do some things with this series that I haven't seen before in urban fantasy, including using some very different mythologies and giving the characters supernatural abilities that…
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Musa Author Interview: Cindi Myers

Author Interviews, Novels, Reading Related, Writing
Today I'd like to introduce Cindi Myers, the first of many Musa authors I will be interviewing. She writes romance as well as women's fiction. It's a pleasure to have her here today. I hope this interview will be as interesting for you as it has been for me. 1.Can you tell us a bit about your books with Musa Publishing? Most of my books with Musa Publishing are historical romances set in the American West. I have a strong interest in American history. The most recent title was a debut title for Musa -- West With the Wind, set on the wagon trains to California; and a contemporary romantic comedy The Handsomest Prince. 2. When did you know you wanted to be an author? When I was 8 or…
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