10 Articles to help you perfect that synopsis

How I feel about writing a synopsis (From https://pixabay.com/en/stress-man-hand-flame-burn-fire-864141/)
How I feel about writing a synopsis (From https://pixabay.com/en/stress-man-hand-flame-burn-fire-864141/)
Writing a synopsis for your novel is a daunting task. You have to summarize an entire novel in two-four pages. Shorter novels (200 pages or less) shouldn’t have a synopsis longer than two pages. A synopsis for a longer novel can go all the way up to four pages. Still, that’s one page of synopsis for every hundred pages–or even less if your novel is more than four hundred pages long.

I’ve been hammering away at the synopsis for my own novel, Moonshadow’s Guardian, for about a week now and while I’m proud of what it looks like now this has been an incredibly painful process. And, like any part of writing I struggle with, I’ve done a lot of research on how to write a good synopsis for your novel.

Save some time learning how to write the best synopsis possible by reading these articles:

1. Back to Basics: Write a Novel Synopsis

This article by Jane Friedman explains what a synopsis is and what it needs to accomplish. It goes into great detail about how to create a successful synopsis.

2. How to Write a Synopsis When You Have Lots of Characters in Your Story

The bigger your cast of characters the more difficult it is to write a synopsis that properly conveys your story. This article provides specific tips, tricks and examples of how you can make your synopsis great even if you have many different characters.

3. How to Write a Book Synopsis

Literary agent Carly Watters offers a five step process to create a successful synopsis.

4. Writing a Novel Synopsis

This article includes a synopsis checklist and a variety of tips.

5. How to Write a 1-Page Synopsis

Most publishers want a synopsis between two and four pages but some specifically request a one page synopsis. This article can help you create one.

6. Clear the Dread From the Dreaded Synopsis

Most writers hate writing their synopsis but with the help from this article you won’t have to(much).

7. Write a Great Synopsis

This article explains the differences between a fiction synopsis and a non-fiction synopsis.

8. Do, Don’ts and Neverminds: Writing a Snazzy Synopsis

Presented by Margaret Moore, this article includes an extensive list of what a synopsis should contain and a checklist for a great synopsis.

9. How to Write a Synopsis Without Losing Your Mind

This article includes detailed advice on how to format your synopsis as well as the usual explanation of what a synopsis is and should include.

10. How to Write a Synopsis With Multiple Protagonists

Does your novel have multiple protagonists? This article will help you figure out how to format your synopsis to show all their stories.

Have you ever written a synopsis? Tell me what it was like in the comments section below!