Journalling Prompt #1

Inspirational, Journalling, Prompts, Short Fiction, Workshops, Writing
A journal does not need to be simply a recital of facts. Your character's journal should include facts, some every day things and some unusual events, but it should also include many other things. It's your character's space to explore who they are and what they want. Journals can be very therapeutic and can help us all discover ourselves and reach our goals. Sometimes, when we're having a hard time, we need to sit down and really think about what's causing our problems. Not just the surface of it, but what's really behind it--our own deeper issues. Asking ourselves on paper and then responding honestly can help us reach the heart of the problem and find a solution. Your character might not be the type to do this, but then…
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A Prompt with a Story

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Sometimes, life throws a curve ball at you. Sometimes it hurts the head, sometimes it hurts the brain, and sometimes it hurts the soul. On occasion, it hurts all three. When life is feeling particularly nasty, two or three of these curve balls are lobbed at you, and you're expected somehow to figure everything out. I've had a couple of those curve balls to deal with this week. Some strange confessions from some very old friends have rocked my world, and I'm still recovering. My mind doesn't slow down at times like these and sleeping becomes difficult. I'm putting pieces of a new world together in my mind because the old one is apparently broken. And it's uncomfortable. It's a painful sensation. In a way it's a mixed blessing. What…
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Prompt of the Week

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Today's Prompt is: Bitter Childhood Memories My response to today's prompt will be written from Riana's point of view. Riana is the main character of the novella-which might grow into barely a novel territory-Moonshadow's Guardian. I have just begun to rewrite Moonshadow's Guardian. I'm moving slowly still because I've got some work left to do, but I should have the new first chapter (not all the chapters are changing drastically; the first one, however, is) finished in the next day or two. I'm excited to be back to work on this project. Riana I spent the first fourteen years of my life with my mother, a human woman named Elaine. She was a pretty woman, though she never lost much of the weight of childbirth. We lived in a one…
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Prompt: Stranger

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Today's Prompt Is: Stranger My response: The people in the village continued to treat me as a stranger despite my efforts to participate in the community. It baffled me when just before the dawn of winter, a new man arrived, rescued from the river-an exile of the Queen-and they accepted him as one of their own. Edith told me it was because most people entered the village by the river or were born here; my entrance was a rare thing, almost unheard of. I did not take it to heart too much, following Edith's advice, but I could not help but feel some anger towards the man. This man came to us with bad news, worse than I could have imagined. The Temple of Memories was due to be closed…
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Prompt of the Week

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Today's prompt of the week is: A Strange New Life My response: Living in the village meant that I must work amongst them. It was a stark contrast from my life in the temple, where I spent most of my time in the pursuit of knowledge. I spent the mornings farming in the fields with the other villagers, who worked with me but did not say much to me. The old woman who ran in the village took me in because she had once known Evelyn. I spent my afternoons mending clothes with her. Dinners were usually held among the entire town in the temple three times a week; once a week I helped with the cooking and serving of this food, though cooking was not my greatest strength. Despite…
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Prompt: Solitude

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Today's prompt is: Solitude. My Response: The days after Evelyn's death were long and hard. I sought solitude and the company of myself, but it seemed to me that there was another knock on my door as soon as one person had left. They came to visit me, to ask me about her last words, a few to see how I was doing. I did not care for their company; without Evelyn the temple was nothing to me. The temple of Ahkmar was rising; without Evelyn, this temple was as good as dead. It served a dead Goddess after all. A newspaper came to me and asked me to write her obituary. I spat in the young man's face and told him to leave me alone with my grief. I…
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Prompt of the Week: Illness

Prompts, Short Fiction, Writing
Today's Prompt is: Illness My response: The halls of the Great Temple of Memories were never so quiet as on the day High Priestess Evelyn died. The songs of worship were not sung on that day, seventh day of the seventh month. The priests prayed in silence. The doors of the great temple were not opened that day. The air in the temple hung heavy over the heads of healthy priests. A young girl carried an iron kettle in one hand and a clay mug in the other. She wore black today instead of the colour of her Goddess. Today was not an ordinary day. Today was a day of mourning. She walked quietly in padded slippers down the huge halls. It was said this place was built by giants.…
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Prompt of the Week: The New Year

Prompts, Short Fiction
Today's Prompt: The New Year When the Phoenix flies overhead, the year shall be born again and all the things on this planet shall grow and once again life we will know. The Monastary of Dracon and Astarael was a beautiful place. It was three stories tall and many hundreds of feet long, deep within the woods of Appollinia. The building was black stone on one side and red stone on the other, built hundreds of years ago by devotees of both God and Goddess. On Astarael's side there was a bell tower which stood two stories above the rest of the building. Miriam had been a monk-in-training for three years now, since her mother died and her brother became a soldier. She truly loved this place; it was her…
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Prompt of the Week: Time

Prompts, Short Fiction
Today's Prompt Is: Time On a side note, I am seriously considering leaving Orble sometime in the near future. I'm looking into setting up a new site with a new domain someplace else at the moment. I will continue posting interviews and prompts here but be aware that Fictional Worlds will probably be moving soon. Thanks for all of your patience.
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Apologies and a Final Note

Prompts, Workshops
On Sunday night, in a park just a couple blocks away from my house, my boyfriend and I (and a friend of ours) were robbed at gunpoint. I spent a couple days away from the computer and I've been too tired to do much other than go to school. The workshop is over not by choice but by necessity-it's the end of the month, time to put the finishing touches on your preparations. There isn't a specific exercise today, but it's probably a good idea to do a general brainstorm for your story, maybe write down a couple of things you're sure you want to happen. Stay tuned for a 'Why Everybody Should Try Nanowrimo' post and a 'October 31st: Preparing for Nano' post tomorrow and Sunday. And get ready…
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